Heritage Cookbook

Family is at the heart
of our story

Heritage Cookbook Family

In 2004, my mom Susan left the world of professional fundraising to create Heritage Cookbook.

Her vision was to bring families, friends and communities together. Close to 200,000 books later, HeritageCookbook.com has become one of the most trusted online self-publishing tools, with thousands of happy customers who’ve even become our friends! In 2013, my sister Laurence and I joined the family business and joined in on the fun! (In case you’re wondering, we grew up in France, hence the names – Laurence and Virginie - and the love of cooking!!). We’re both full-time moms and former professionals who loved the idea of carrying on the heritage of our mom’s company. After all, her vision is to bring families together, and what better way to do that than to work on the family business!

Meet the Heritage Cookbook family

Heritage Cookbook Family

Virginie Martocq

President and CEO, Girl Boss

I’m a mother of two young kids (a funny little girl and rambunctious school-aged boy), a trained interior designer and magazine editor. (Although I started my career in sports marketing, strangely enough). I recently left the world of media, journalism and TV to join my mom in the Heritage family. It wasn’t much of a stretch – my best memories all revolve around food and family gatherings. The idea of helping other people share their food moments was a no-brainer.

As I’ve grown older, I’ve found that life often gets so busy I hardly have time to prepare the food I know I should for my family. I end up throwing something frozen in the oven even though I love cooking! So when my mom started Heritage, my girlfriends and I collaborated on a cookbook of all our favorite go-to recipes. Since we all found that we basically ate 5 things regularly, if we all shared them, we would have a treasure trove of easy-to-make food we could incorporate into our daily routines. That’s how I got started with my first Heritage cookbook!

I’d love to hear the story of your book!


Our print partner has not changed since day one (that's close to 20 years, but who's counting)! They are a family run business (what can I say, I have a weakness for family businesses) and are a huge part of why our books and customer service are as great as they are! They are one of North America's leading digital book printers and over the years have become friends!


A good tech team is the backbone of any online business, and this team is unmatched in its ability. The Heritage crew is a multi cultural group of men and women that care about detail as much as I do. The result? A program that works so smoothly you actually enjoy using it! Our tech partner is also a family run company (yup, again!) that's headed by one fearless family man whose family just happened to grow by one while we were building the new site! (it was a big project, just saying!)


Heritage cookbook (version 3) is what happens when two lifelong gal-pals decide to leave their big corporate jobs and set up their own design agency. These two besties are relentless in pushing for design excellence while always keeping things fresh and accessible. Their vision for Heritage may even have been bigger than mine, and they totally listened when I said the corporate color had to include pink! A perfect partner. www.aperkoo.com