See a few of our beautiful templates in action!
Whether created by families, culinary entrepreneurs, fundraisers, or companies, no two Heritage Cookbooks are alike.
Family Memory Cookbooks
To date, thousands of families have published their favorite recipes, stories, and photographs in beautiful legacy cookbooks—the perfect gift for holidays and major life milestones. Click here to learn how to get started on your own family's book.

The Harper/Stolz Wedding Cookbook
Template: Create & Upload Your Own Design
Featuring photos from the couple's big day, multiple family members contributed recipes to this post-wedding memento, a gift their loved ones will cherish forever.

The Lee Family Cookbook
Template: Chalkboard
The Lees chose the Chalkboard template to give their cookbook-memoir a handmade, creative look that's both current and timeless.
Culinary Business & Creator Cookbooks
Perfect for restaurants, bakeries, catering companies, food bloggers, and content creators looking to offer a cookbook to their customers/followers. Here's how to create a cookbook that'll compete with anything produced by a major publishing house.

Soup Life Cookbook
Template: Create & Upload Your Own Design
Sold online, this professional blogger's cookbook uses our custom template to showcase their personal brand on the front and back covers, title page, table of contents, and chapter/section dividers.

The Lemon Tree Cafe Cookbook
Template: Create & Upload Your Own Design
Here, our custom template was used to create a uniquely branded cookbook that's sold in-house to Lemon Tree's loyal customers.
Fundraising Cookbooks
Raise funds in a creative, collaborative way for the cause you're championing. Here's how to organize and make the most of your fundraising campaign.

Highglen Elementary Cookbook
Template: Girly
This elementary school cookbook features student-submitted recipes alongside photos of fun in the classroom and on the playground. Proceeds from the fundraiser went towards purchasing new supplies for the school's art room.

Racine Church Cookbook
Template: On Black
Sold to help fund building repairs, this classic church cookbook reaches new heights with the elegant 'On Black' template and professionally-shot photos from our free image library.
Corporate Team Building Cookbooks
Bring your whole team together with a fun and collaborative cookbook project! Check out our how-to guide for tips on getting organized as a group.

Blockshop Textiles Group Cookbook
Template: Aqua Block
Each person at this small company contributed recipes and photos to create a book that's enjoyed by staff, and gifted to clients during the holidays.

Wright & Associates Cookbook
Template: Create & Upload Your Own Design
This law firm's cookbook was created both as a team-building exercise and as a giveaway at their annual year-end retreat.