Heritage Cookbook

Fundraising cookbooks
made easy

Support your community's cause
with maximum profit for all.

Sign up for a free account, then apply for
Fundraising status and we'll upgrade you to a
Premium membership at no charge — it's on us!

Fundraising benefits include:

  • All fonts
  • Full image library
  • All layouts
  • All templates
  • Free eBook
  • Personal recipe e-box
  • Unlimited contributors
  • Unlimited orders
  • Access to all bindings

A straightforward recipe for fundraising success.

Our 5.5”x8.5” binding was designed specifically with fundraisers in mind; they're slightly smaller and lighter than our other bindings, making them ideal for bulk orders.

Book preview
Book preview

Calculate your
fundraiser books cost

Find out what your cookbooks will cost in our fundraiser book format.*

Black and White Pages
Colour Pages
Books (minimum quantity 100)
$0.00Per book

*Shipping costs are calculated at the time of your order and are dependent on the size and weight of your books. Contact us for international shipping options

Start Your Cookbook

Want more help?

Check out our Ultimate Guide to Fundraising.

Learn more about:

  • Managing your fundraising budget to maximize profit
  • Efficiently gathering content
  • Editing and proofreading
  • Marketing your cookbook before and after publication

"I received my order of cookbooks and I want to write to say how pleased we are with them! The whole project was so easy to do online, the time that I ordered them to the time I received them was awesome and the final product quality is outstanding"

Elaine, January 2019