New cookbook covers are here!!!

I’m so excited to announce that five new cookbook templates and covers are now available for you to choose from. We’ve been working on them for a while, and September 1st just seemed like the right time to release them.
1. The chalkboard cover: I wanted to offer something a little trendy, a little home-made looking, so our designers Steve and Philina came up with this beautiful cover and coordinating pages (I’m showing the section divider page here next to the cover). You can customize the title text on the cover, and section names.
2. The classic cover: This one has a cute, kind of retro look and feel that allows you to upload your own photo onto the cover and section dividers. You can also customize the text on both the cover (left) and section dividers (right).
We launched three other covers with these two, and more are on their way. Why don’t you log in and check them out??
It's easier than ever to tell beatiful food stories.