Heritage Cookbook

White lasagna

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White lasagna

Ingredient list

1 lb lasagna cooked
3 lbs ricotta + 1 container
4 eggs
grated Parmesan cheese
garlic powder
milk if needed

Preheat the oven to 350. Beat ricotta very fine, mix eggs and seasonings. If too dry, add a little milk. Boil lasagna about ten minutes. Do not over cook lasagna. Add oil to the pot so lasagna noodles will not stick. Strain lasagna and run water over them to stop the cooking. Put sauce in bottom of large pan and place 3 strips of lasagna, layer of ricotta mix, Parmesan cheese, sauce; continue with layering until pasta is finished. Pour sauce and parmesan cheese over top layer. Cover pan with foil and cook in oven one hour. Let stand fifiteen minutes. You can add two boxes of drained chopped spinach to ricotta if you would like vegetable Lasagna.

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